Delicate Wash:
While stronger wash cycles can stretch, rip, shrink, fade or distort your delicate garments, the delicate cycle uses cold water and mild agitation to protect these articles from damage. A delicate cycle cleans away dirt and odors, but won't provide the same deep cleaning as a stronger wash cycle.
Cold Half, Warm Half, Hot Half:
These settings are Eco-friendly which means they use less water and less energy than a normal cycle.
Permanent Press:
The permanent-press cycle works by washing first with warm water and then following it up with a cool water rinse. This cycle is far gentler on your clothes than a normal/regular cycle due to the lower temperature and mild-agitation.
Quick Wash:
A speedy cycle for a few lightly soiled items, like the blouse and pants you want to wear to dinner tonight. A faster spin means clothes will dry quicker, too. Pre-Wash: Stained or extra-dirty garments? Use this to add a soak to the beginning of a cycle.

The front load machines have special places to add liquid fabric softener, liquid detergent or bleach for the main wash, liquid or powder detergent for the pre-wash and powder detergent for the main wash.
*Requires little soap*
Top Load Washing Machines
Add soap when water is being added.
Note: If you are using liquid fabric softener with a top loader, wait 10 minutes after adding the soap. If you add these at the same time, the soap washes away the fabric softener.

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